Travel and Accommodation: Transportation (e.g., visa, international and domestic flights, vehicle rentals, fuel, public transport), lodging costs, and funds for daily expenses (e.g., meals and incidental costs while in the field).
Personnel Costs: Salaries and wages (e.g., compensation for the PI, co-investigators, research assistants, and/or other project staff), local collaborators fees (e.g., translators, guides, cultural mediators, local researchers, local field assistants, or any specialized experts needs for your study), and other personnel-related costs (e.g., professional transcribers, focus group facilitators, GIS specialists, audio-visual support).
Participant compensation: Provide a culturally appropriate token of appreciation (e.g., food commodity, meal, small payment) for community members or stakeholders participating in your research (e.g., interviews, focus groups, surveys, or workshops). If participants need to travel to interview sites or meetings, budget for their transportation or travel stipends.
Field Equipment and Supplies: Data collection tools (e.g., mobile phones, phone data, tablets, GPS units, cameras), material fees (e.g., printing surveys, interview guides, notebooks, writing utensils, batteries, USB drive), and other field gear (e.g., tents, protective clothing, first aid kit, rain boots).
Data Management and Analysis Tools: Consider software for data analysis (e.g., SPSS, NVivo, Atlas.ti, GIS) or survey platforms (Qualtrics, Kobo Toolbox). If using cloud-based platforms for data storage, allocate funds for subscriptions and secure storage solutions.
Ethical Clearance: Include fees for review and approval processes for obtaining ethical clearance.
Research Permits: In many countries, social science research, especially involving human subjects, requires official permits or permission from local authorities or institutions - often in addition to ethical clearance. Also, include any costs for obtaining permits required for fieldwork (e.g., permits associated with entering/studying in protected areas).
Visas: If working in another country, budget for visa fees.
Training and Capacity Building: If your project includes large gatherings or workshops for training, stakeholder engagement, or knowledge sharing, include costs for venue rental, materials, refreshments, and transportation for attendees.
Administrative and Institutional Overhead: Some organizations or institutions charge overhead fees (usually a percentage of total costs) to support administrative functions. Check if this applies and factor it into your budget.
Contingency Funds: Set aside 5-10% of your total budget as a contingency plan for unexpected expenses, such as delays in fieldwork, equipment failure, or changes in travel costs.
Publications and Dissemination: If you plan to publish your research in open-access journals, allocate funds for article processing charges. If you plan to present your findings at a conference, include these costs (e.g., conference registration, travel, accommodation, meals).